Welcome, I’m glad you’re here!
Hi! I’m Sadie, a wife and mother of two (and one on the way!) living in sunny Florida. This year we are embarking on our Charlotte Mason-based homeschool journey! I hope this blog can be an encouragement that homemaking and homeschooling doesn’t have to be fancy or unattainable. It can be simple and slow and quiet, with a heart to glorify God.
Several years ago I received my Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education in hopes that it would one day help me to homeschool my children, like my mother did for me. In the years since, my husband and I have especially fallen in love with Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy, and are excited to offer a rich feast of books and lessons to our children. I am a total beginner at this, but I am hopeful that sharing my experience as I wobble my way through might be helpful to someone else out there.
In a world where success for a woman looks like a thriving career, I feel called to share the rich and wonder-filled life of staying home and raising your children. It is not without its challenges, but God has woven so much joy and delight to be found in our roles as wives and mothers. So as I spend my days wiping runny noses, fixing snacks, and reading storybooks, I am, very imperfectly, striving to glorify Christ through my humble role at home. Maybe we could do it together?

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are."
1 John 3:1