My husband and I have been saving for, praying for, and looking for a house for our family for over 6 years now, and boy that sounds like an especially long time when I type it out. There are too many reasons to explain why it hasn’t happened yet, but the most important being that it hasn’t been in God’s will. Maybe this year!
Both Eric and I grew up playing outside all day, everyday, and we’ve always wanted that for our children as well. There are so many benefits to spending lots of time outside, not the least of which is knowing God more through his wonder-ful creation. Unfortunately, while living in an apartment getting our boys outdoors isn’t as easy as hanging out in the backyard (we can’t wait for this one day!). So we’re learning to be intentional about getting outside; its extra effort but always worth it.
“Never be within doors when you can rightly be without.”
Charlotte Mason
In case any of you are in a similar situation as us, I thought I could share some ways we make sure to spend time in nature.
When we don’t have set plans for the day, I try to pack up some snacks and a couple exploring supplies and head out. Here are some ideas of spots to look for near you.
- Nearby duck pond
- Sometimes you can even find one in the neighborhood next door!
- Local park
- I’m sure you can find several different parks in your area, try them all and find your favorites.
- Butterfly garden
- We have a couple near us, but we’ve only found them through going to new places.
- Botanical gardens
- Some are free, or consider purchasing a membership when they go on sale.
- Bike trail
- Nature preserve
- These often have miles and miles of walking paths to explore.
- The beach
- We live about an hour away from the coast, but if you don’t, you can go to the lake!
- A friend or family member’s backyard
- Don’t rule this out! Plan a playdate, or offer to help out with some yard work!
When we’re pressed for time or not feeling up to traveling somewhere, we’re thankful to have a small patch of grass between our front door and the parking lot, and we make good use of it! The boys dig, create a little construction zone with their trucks, search for butterflies, ride their bikes on the sidewalk, and collect sticks to build pretend fires.I just plop my beach chair out there with them and enjoy the sunshine. It isn’t fancy, but we’re outside in nature, and that’s what counts.

"All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made." - John 1:3